Wednesday 26 June 2013

Back in Training

26 June 2013

After the last posting in February, for reasons I can now not remember, I stopped writing the blogs and doing the running. I kept doing the occasional four mile runs but gave up on any idea of doing a  half marathon. However after a few months of random jogging I became aware that I was drifting and needed a goal to keep me focused. And so I have signed up for the Northampton Marathon on 22 September 2013.

(It would be great if others could join me. My goal is to finish in a time of less than 2 hours 30 mins.) 

I have down loaded a training programme and look forward to the challenge; honestly I do. I start next week when I am away for a few days so hopefully photos of running along the Cornish Coast will appear on the blog

For those who kept up to date with previous blogs I am sure you will be pleased to know there will be regular updates on the state of my knee, bowels and weight. 

I am 81.8 kilos which equates to 12.9 stone. My intention as always is to break the 12 stone mark (76.2 kilo) The dreaded joggers trots are still a problem but not as debilitating as it was and the knee seems okay.

I have recently returned from a weeks holiday Kayaking in Slovenia with eight mates. It was a fantastic time in a beautiful country with cheap but good coffee. (1 Euro) We had a coach who taught us and led us safely down some grade 3 rapids. He also taught running and gave me advice on how to run landing on the middle of the foot and at a cadence of 180 strides a minute.

So returning to the UK I have enthusiasm to run, to write this blog, to take improve my photography and continue to paddle. I will use paddling as my cross training exercise. So here it goes. I am so grateful to be in a job that I enjoy that allows me to fund my enthusiasm for life.

I have also signed up for the Northampton 5 km park run. Please see the website for more information but this great initiative is free and with up to 200 other people run around the race course each Saturday, work permitting. I look forward to joining with others who have been infected with the jogging bug and be able to measure improvement in my personal best at the same time.

(my PB for the first and only park run is 26 mins 36 secs.)

For those interested my running plan can be found at the following site. Please any advice will be gratefully received - on how to improve my running or any other aspect of my life!!