Sunday 28 July 2013

The rise of the Mediterranean Diet.

July 28

I am spending a lot of time each day jumping on and off the scales to see how much fat I am losing. I am now bordering on the 79k/80k boundary. To be consistently below this 80 k mark has become a psychological goal for me. My diet is that of a guinea pig rather than  your average omnivore. Salad is now my staple diet with nuts and dried fruit fulfilling my need for sugar, yet my weight does not drop as I would have expected it to do so. The belly fat does seem very reluctant to go. I am sure it is very comfortable, it has been there a long time so it stubbornly resists my diet and exercise eviction tactics.

When I returned to work a female sergeant commented on my changed appearance.

"You look good," she said, "You look brown and fresh."

"Brown and fresh like a what?" I asked

She remained silent and said, "I don't know" she replied

I am sure she was thinking of something but would not say.

So today it is 6.00 am and I am off for my programmed 60 minute run. Last night we went out to celebrate Chaz's birthday at an Italian Restaurant in town. It was a great time with friends and good food and I now feel inspired to look at mediterranean diets to eat well and healthily.

It is now 6.08 hrs and it is time for the run. Hopefully I will keep the cadence at approx 180 an hour  with no toilet stops. 

09.15 hrs

The run went well with one toilet stop. I hope and pray that the curse of the JT's will be history by the time I run the Northampton Half Marathon in 8 weeks time. Apart from that the run went well with the opportunity to take the final calendar picture in the field of ripened rape. 

I came home and did my stretches and touch of kettlebell weight exercise.  

Photography Stuff.

When I grow up I want to be a photo journalist. To be able to take pictures that tell stories and reveal the emotions of peoples lives is an ambition, or a pipe-dream, of mine.

(PS the expression Pipedream comes from the dreams of those smoking opium in pipes)

My on line tutor encourages me to be bold and go and take my camera into places and into peoples lives to record what is happening. 

The below website is mentioned on the course.

And below is a photo from Cornwall I am pleased with. A small aperture to obtain a good depth of field with a long exposure to have the necessary light to capture the image of the 'mediterranean like' port of Porthleven on the South Cornish Coast in July. It captures, for us, the warmth of the day and calmness of the night. Thankfully it does not record the incessant call of the bloody seagulls who would not stop screaming

My next assignment on the course is to look at the use of colour in an image. So, watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, what a beautiful, atmospheric pic! Secondly, the mediterranean diet looks interesting. With regard to losing additional weight, you're probably right for your height (did you know muscle weighs more than fat?). But if you still want to lose more, you could try reducing your carbs (incl potatoes, rice, pasta), eating more fish, making sure you get in lots of RAW veggies rather than cooked, drinking only water or herbal teas (fruit juice, beer, etc all have lots of calories), and mixing up your types of training... although I'm sure you know all that! Lots of blessings for the programme! :-)
